Meet Summer Leilani
Summer is one of our favorite models to work. We sat down with Summer to talk about her own experience as a model on the West Coast and how she feels about sustainability.
Zel: It's so awesome to finally meet you. I have seen so much of your work with us [Barbra Lorain], and I know you’ve been working with Rule DD for a while now. I’m so excited to talk about your experiences as a model, your background, and your time in LA. Do you want to go ahead and introduce yourself?
Summer: Thank you for having me! So my background, I’ve been modeling for 3 years now across fit and print. It's been an awesome way to learn more about fashion - I would not know everything that I know now, if I wasn’t so involved. I [used to] fit with brands like Skims and Forever21, and going from that to sustainable brands, just wow. My experience with it all has shown me who I want to choose to work with, what I really want to represent and share.
Z: That's so cool, we love to hear it. Having your own values is important, in all types of work. Do you remember when you first came to LA?
S: I do! It was for a leisure shoot, and we were in a studio. Being exposed for the first time is so starry-eyed - you're like ‘wow this is amazing. I get to try on all these pretty clothes’ - but as I got further into it, I noticed the overall waste. It's been positive and negative together.
Summer wearing the Rosie Turtleneck from Shop Figge.
Z: So would you say that she is your biggest supporter? Or does someone else come to mind as your biggest supporter?
S: A few come to mind. A woman named Joanna, she does the social media coordinating for me and Yensa Beauty, a phenomenal beauty brand which I highly recommend. They have been such huge supporters since I started working with them in this small, woman-owned boutique in Long Beach. So many different women, I’ve been lucky to have mainly worked with women-owned brands. It's such a strong collective around me, uplifting each other.
Z: That definitely sounds like an amazing community to be a part of and surrounded by, with these brands that you really believe in. It sounds like a step beyond, like networking doesn't seem to capture the kind of connections and relationships that you're making in the industry.
S: Exactly, I get to form a relationship - a genuine relationship - with the people I am working, and vice versa. It's a two-way street, I support them as much as they support me. It's great.
Summer wearing BabLo by Barbra Lorain
Summer in Camo Foil in Curvy by Show Some Leg
Z: So far you’ve told us a little about your portfolio and modeling experiences, but do you have any shoots or shots that stand out as favorites that you’ve done?
S: Hmmm. The first beauty shoot that I did with Purlisse, just because I did not know how to do makeup and I still don't - I’m learning. It really took me out of my comfort zone and that stuck with me. One of the first athleisure shoots I did with Show Some Leg taught me posing. Every shoot I have with them is always an elevation, but the very first was all beautiful women, and that experience of just having a good time together - being done with beautiful hair and beautiful clothes. It's much better working and learning together. For me, that's such a big part when I go places, I love being able to meet people.
Z: That sounds like such a wonderful mix to have, as an experience as a model. In addition to growing your portfolio, you’re able to grow as a person as well. Is there a type of dream shoot as a model that has been on your bucket list that you’ve always wanted to do?
S: I don't have a certain brand I’d want to work with or anything. Once you have the ability to know the team, you can give some insight and also represent and show a different perspective.
Z: Yeah absolutely, I think there's definitely a change happening, at least from what I can see as a researcher, looking into the types of approaches that a lot of other brands are taking. There is gradual change happening throughout the industry, maybe that's me being optimistic, but you always wish to see that kind of progress!
S: Yeah! There has definitely been that kind of positive shift, it's kind of undeniable because of all the things now. It’s cool to see how much further it can go. I am so all for it, 100%!
Summer wearing the heather fleece from Shop Figge.
Z: Back to modeling as a career and industry - would you consider yourself a creative person?
S: You know, I really don’t think I'm that creative, when it comes to a concept or creating a look or something like that. I grew up very athletic so I grew up with sports and I was always active, and now having to change gears it’s a whole mental shift and it becomes this whole flow.
Z: And with that flow, does it make modeling feel like more of a transformation or how would you describe that feeling of the process?
S: Yeah I would! I'm that type where I’ll be laughing and then *shoots model stare* so I do definitely feel like it’s like an act or it's a total shift.
Z: What would you say is the biggest challenge that you face in the industry?
S: I would say the negativity that comes with it. It has this weird stigma for being a kind of vain profession, but I have met a lot of models who use their looks and profession to promote amazing causes.
Z: It sounds like you're doing a bit of that yourself - from what you've said about carefully choosing the brands that you work with. Do you feel that you are cause driven as well?
S: I am pretty cause driven. Like if you come to my house I have no paper towels - it’s all cloth towels and rags. It’s awesome when I get to work with people who are like-minded because you don't seem crazy when you're using reusable sandwich bags and having to wash them, some people look at me like I'm crazy for that!
Z: Ha! In my neighborhood, there's a lot of food stands. I would eat off their styrofoam plates until one day my housemate said ‘it’s totally normal if you bring your own plate’ and I DID IT, BUT it was totally not normal. The cook was like ‘uh sure we can put the food on that, I guess?’ and after I did it once I was like ‘oh well, I'll just keep doing it’ and then it was easy.
Summer wearing BabLo by Barbra Lorain.
Summer in Cloudy Day set by Show Some Leg.
Z: What would you say is your biggest motivation in the industry, what keeps you passionate?
S: Honestly, it comes from an appreciation for, not validation from, the responses I've received. Seeing yourself with that brand has been cool, or even people saying ‘wow you're doing that! I'm going to go do this [too].’
Z: To follow that thought, what would you say you love most about your body?
S: I love that I am strong! I never realize how strong I am until I am put to the test, like when you're at a shoot and they're like alright hold that pose! You can do a lot of things! And that's what I like - there’s a lot of things that I could say are my favorite or least favorite, but I feel like functionality is where it matters most.
Z: Would you say that modeling has changed you at all?
S: Yes and no. At first, I didn’t know how to do my hair or makeup, so I didn't think I looked as put together as other women. Now I've learned my niche is being the natural girl next door. It helped me realize who I am, what I look like. This is me and that's fine - some people are going to find the juiciest peach, but they don't like peaches! It’s all shown me that rejection is a part of the business and it’s a part of life. It helps you grow, and I love to take that away from it.
Z: That's a great way of looking at it, and removing pressure from yourself in this profession. For my last question, what are your aspirations for modeling in the future?
S: I would love to explore my creative side more. I do have that creative side but I don’t lean into it or really do anything with it. If I were to be given the opportunity to do it and influence sustainability, helping share and push for that mentality in tiny ways that you can change - that's my goal: self-sustainability, how can I help share that image or that way of life.
Z: Wow, I love those aspirations, so cheers to that! I hope you achieve it all! Best of luck in everything you do, and thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me.